Dental implants


Dental implants are designed to resurrect a smile that may be experiencing some aesthetic issues due to tooth loss. These implants completely take the place of the missing tooth, allowing your smile and appearance to remain totally natural-looking.

When we say a dental implant replaces a missing tooth, we mean exactly that – implants both resemble and function just like a natural tooth. This means you can chew with the same amount of pressure you always have, and there are little to no restrictions on what you can or can’t eat.

Dental implants do more than just replace a tooth, however – having an implant maintains your bone structure, prevents your natural teeth from shifting, preserves the existing function of all your natural teeth, and gets your smile back to where it needs to be! Dental implants look and function so naturally, no one will ever know you weren’t born with them.

Every patient is unique and therefore requires a unique treatment plan created just for them. For dental implants, we use digital 3-D technology to map out every aspect of the patient’s treatment from start to finish. This includes planning the ideal implant position, predicting the final outcome, performing this procedure with the most minimally invasive methods possible, and, most importantly, determining how to execute the implant surgery exactly as planned to achieve the predetermined end result.

Once we’ve achieved this goal and the implant is in the ideal position, the final restoration of the tooth can be completely digitally designed, machine milled, and final touch-ups can be made by a master ceramist in order to assign the implant restorations an entirely natural look.

When it comes to dental implants, we’re committed to performing the restoration as accurately and painlessly as possible in order to achieve the patient’s dream smile and ideal end result.


We value quality care and patient experience, because you are worth it!